Tax return preparers must
- Post their New York State Tax Preparer Registration Certificate and price list.
- Tell you up front whether they will represent you if your return is audited later
- Ask you about your income, expenses, family, and any other information or documents needed to accurately complete your return
- Allow you to review your completed return – including your bank account information – and ask questions before you sign it
- Sign your tax return and enter the preparer tax identification number (PTIN) and New York tax preparer identification number (NYTPRIN), if applicable
- e-File your tax return;
- Give you a year-round address and phone number you can use if you have questions or concerns about your return
- Provide you with a copy of your filed return
Our Fee Structure and price list will be provided in your annual tax organizer, or can be requested by calling our office at 315-788-6310